Monday, December 20, 2010

Dec 13 to 19

Well we had more rain on Sunday followed by a freeze and then snow 5+ cm. Finally had enough snow to use my snow mover. It has been snow showering off and on all week. Tuesday I attended the monthly meeting of the Ottawa Branch Ontario Genealogical Society. We had our daughter and son-in-law and their two dogs over for dinner on Saturday. We put up our Xmas tree and decorated it. The Ottawa Genealogist has gone to the printer and so has The Royal Yorker. Sunday evening we have the two dogs over night while their parents celebrate their wedding anniversary. Sunday we
got out for our first cross country ski. Very good! I continue to add data to the Kip/Kipp family file and my Link family file. I am also working through one of the "Descendants of Roger Williams" books and adding all of my cousins to my Link file. The more names I have entered the better the possibility of finding other connections. I must be related to a very large number of people living in New England and also the other US states! Walked 58.5 km for the week.

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